08 January 2014

The video Facebook doesn't want you to see

A few minutes ago, I found a really cool video on Google+, so I went to share it with Facebook. I got an error I'd never seen before. Apparently Facebook doesn't think you should see this video.

This video contains no nudity or foul language. Whether it contains violence or not... well, violence is kind of implied at the end. It's a PSA from New Zealand about speeding. I wonder if Facebook will block my blog for posting it, or take action against my account. I'd be interested to know why they don't want their members seeing this video, though. Other videos can certainly be posted.
I tried sharing the video directly from YouTube, and got the following, similar error.

Regarding the video itself... Good PSA about speeding, but it doesn't at all address the guy who just pulled right out in front of another car, especially since he very clearly saw the car and made the conscious decision to pull out anyway—with his child in the back seat.

Here in North Carolina (and probably elsewhere) we have a ton of entitled people who believe that if they pull out in front of you, you'll just stop for them, even if they have a stop sign (or a red light and they're turning right) and you don't. And then half of them can't even drive the speed limit.

Yeah, speeding is bad... but if you want to pull out and there's another car coming, don't pull out. Okay, if you have a rice rocket or American muscle and you can get up to and over the speed limit in the time it will take them to get to you... but better yet, just let them pass. It doesn't matter what other drivers do. You can, yourself, choose between expecting a stranger to yield for you, or be a better driver.

(Maybe that's why Facebook is blocking the PSA, because it blames the wrong guy.)

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