22 December 2013

First year of the Apocalypse behind us

Life after the apocalypse
(or a scene from Fallout 3)
Here in North Carolina, we've all been wondering why it's so hot in December. Yesterday, it was unseasonably warm. Today, I woke up sweating, and had to turn my window AC unit on, a first for the last 60 days, if not 90. A few weeks ago it got just under 20ºF. Today, it was hot. Nobody really knows why. Jokes abound on the social networks about how the South refuses to participate in winter. Others cite political issues as sin, e.g. some deity is punishing us.

Then I realized, the world ended a year ago today... or some madmen would have us believe. Sure, there was that looney preacher a couple years ago who told everyone the world would end in April or May... then he was sure it was October or November. Because of leap year, you know. The 12th or the 21st of December 2012, depending on who you asked, was supposed to be the apocalypse. And people had been saying it for years. When my mother was a kid in the 1920s (just kidding—early '60s) they were talking about 2012 as the end of days. I recall thinking about it when I was 15. I did the math and said, "Who cares? I'll be 34 when it happens. 19 years to enjoy life." The 12th came and went, and  then the 21st.

Central Park, NYC
Instead, we woke up to this, on the 22nd, this day in 2012. Except that's New York City, so maybe it was snowing. In any case, we didn't see fire. Cities weren't destroyed.

So maybe this unseasonably hot weather wasn't caused by the apocalypse. I highly doubt it was caused by me playing so much Fallout 3. (Sons of Anarchy fans, you should really watch... even if you skip to 3:00.) So who knows? I sure don't. What do I look like, a weatherman? ;)

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